Millorem el retorn de les inversions en R+D

La col·laboració publicoprivada i la transferència de coneixement, eines fonamentals per desenvolupar l’economia de l’Espai a Catalunya Empreses del sectors aeroespacial i tecnològic, institucions i experts exposen a la Llotja de Mar les oportunitats i l’impacte econòmic d’aquesta nova indústria a Catalunya. La New Space obre oportunitats de negoci al llarg de tota la cadena […]

TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY This technology is responsible for controlling temperature changes in elements that must be cooled at certain times of their activity. It is capable of working in a wide temperature range within the cryogenic environment, 20K to 120K, providing much more flexibility than other Heat Switches developed in the past. No power is needed […]

TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY The new mecano-like construction system comprises a simple node connector and a fast method for the assembly of lattice structures. It provides a general, fast, and cost-effective alternative to current fabrication methods because the bars, tubes, or profiles of the structure become self-clamped upon assembly while maintaining the maximum buckling performance. BENEFITS Faster […]

TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY Development of structures with composite materials, combined with design, simulation, prototyping, testing, systems engineering and production, the full development can be covered in a cost-effective manner. BENEFITS Material qualification selecting the suitable matrix. Appropiate reinforcement in product development. Suitable design and prototyping according to the final use of the piece. Complete development in […]

TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY This technology refers to a method of producing a thermoeletric material, the skutterudite (CoSb3), with a higher energy recovery capacity and a higher working temperature range than the solutions on the market, indicates that this is a technology that provides a disruptive improvement over pre-existing technologies in the market. The method presented here […]

TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY The current technology provides a multi-layer mesh filter for fluids with an improved structure that maximizes the filtering surface and prevents particle build up. In addition, the filter can be built as a single piece avoiding weld joints. BENEFITS Better quality: Thanks to the manufacturing process the whole filter is built in a […]

TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY The current invention provides a new method of producing 3D ceramic lattices for use in catalytic applications. The method combines additive manu facturing techniques and metallic heat oxidation treatments. BENEFITS Less cost: The method provides a much cheaper solution in comparison with current methods on the market. Better quality: The methods provides full […]

TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY The current invention is based on a contactless electromagnetic device that allows to distribute evenly added nano-particles in an Alloy matrix,especially for the manufacturing of large component. BENEFITS More efficient: It produces stronger stirring, extending its capacity and reducing the timing. In addition, the induced current tends to expel large size impurities on […]

TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY The current invention provides a new system of heat power source based on the use of incoherent light form high wattage light bulbs (200-1,000 W) focus though a number of mirrors/lens modules to heat a localized area. BENEFITS Less cost: The system provides a lower cost and lighter solution in comparison with other […]