Millorem el retorn de les inversions en R+D

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About KIM

KIM, your partner in European projects

KIM has developed a portfolio of services focused on satisfying the needs of all actors in the innovation system of the regions in which it operates, from science and technology parks, companies and business associations, to universities, research centers, including public institutions and public administrations.

The aim of KIM and its network of collaborators is to cover all phases of the value chain of implementation of dynamisation models on innovation, internationalization, infrastructures, business growth and knowledge transfer.

KIM offers expertise in a variety of roles in such project collaboration including project coordination, research valorization and exploitation, design management, market development and commercialization activities.

KIM believes that a truly efficient innovation must involve cooperation between the innovation agents, research centres and stakeholders close to the market. Open Innovation initiatives seek to bring innovative solutions to the market, wich can be eventually used to have a positive impact on people’s lives. This cooperation needs to be developed through alliances, agreements and knowledge interchange and dissemination between the different actors of innovation.

KIM Core Areas

  • Business facilitation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Open innovation
  • Circular economy
  • Sustainability
  • Bioeconomy
  • Environment
  • Biodiversity
  • Space
  • IPR

KIM relevant experience

The European Union is committed to make Europe a competitive and innovative region by setting up the cooperation and financing programmes that favour collaboration between European partners.

KIM participates actively in these projects to pursue its mission of improving European competitiveness and offers its expertise to partners and clients, to facilitate their acces to projects of innovation and territorial development.

KIM has participated as a partner in projects funded by the flagship programmes of innovation (FP7 and Horizon 2020). In all these projects, KIM has lead the Work Package on Dissemination and Exploitation, using its know-how and its contact network to disseminate the results of the project and to help to bring the resultant technology and solutions to the market, using the best route. KIM has also been a partner in prokects funded by the MED Programme, wich works to enhance innovation, environment and accessibility. In these projects, KIM has used the experience in IPR management and training to contribute to the goals of the projects.

The involvement of KIM in European projects has not only been as a partner of the consortia. KIM has been selected and contracted as an external expert in various projects task funded by different programmes, such as Interreg IV-C, ENPI CBC MED, SUDOE, MED Programme of the Lifelong Learning Programme. KIM has provided these projects with its expertise in project management, communication and dissemination activities, training activities, business-modelling tasks, and more.

Due to a refined experience in European projects and a wide network of partners, KIM has come to develop comprehensive service agreements with various entities interested in participating in European projects. Chambers of Commerce, clusters, business associations and innovative enterprises are key partners in European projects, but they sometimes lack the specific knowledge of institutional mechanisms to set up and manage a project. By setting up an External European Project Offices, KIM detects interesting opportunities tailored to the needs and interests of the entities, helps them to write the proposal and to prepare the budget for it. Upon approval of the proposal, KIM gives support in the negotiation phase and offers its knowledge and skills in the execution phase according to the agreements.

Our experts

Jordi Gasset

Jordi Gasset

Development and coordination of national and international projects

Pere Galimany

Pere Galimany

Design and justification of European projects

Ana Mayor

Ana Mayor


Ricardo Bermúdez

Ricardo Bermúdez

Digital transformation and communication

Natalia Rodríguez

Natalia Rodríguez

Dissemination and communication

Our projects

Projects with KIM as a partner

Projects with the support of KIM


Jordi Gasset · Project Manager · +34 93 266 71 38

Jordi Gasset