Millorem el retorn de les inversions en R+D

TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY The current technology provides a multi-layer mesh filter for fluids with an improved structure that maximizes the filtering surface and prevents particle build up. In addition, the filter can be built as a single piece avoiding weld joints. BENEFITS Better quality: Thanks to the manufacturing process the whole filter is built in a […]

TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY The current invention provides a new method of producing 3D ceramic lattices for use in catalytic applications. The method combines additive manu facturing techniques and metallic heat oxidation treatments. BENEFITS Less cost: The method provides a much cheaper solution in comparison with current methods on the market. Better quality: The methods provides full […]

TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY The current invention provides a new system of heat power source based on the use of incoherent light form high wattage light bulbs (200-1,000 W) focus though a number of mirrors/lens modules to heat a localized area. BENEFITS Less cost: The system provides a lower cost and lighter solution in comparison with other […]

TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY The technology is based on the coating of a reference filament through a melt-pool comprised of the constituent elements of the alloy. This method offers a simplified wire manufacturing process and a 20-50% cost reduction in comparison with other common methods. BENEFITS Simpler: The overall manufacturing process is simplified, producing high quality alloys. […]

TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY This system allows and improves the coordination of multiple wire fed and represents an advantage over other feeding systems normally used in laser deposition machines (e.g. powder material based). BENEFITS More efficient: It allows to manufacture many samples with widely different alloy compositions. Less cost: Wire is far more available as pure metal […]