Improving the return on R&D investments


This technology inhibits both, adhesion and appearance of microorganisms based on two aspects that take place simultaneously: physiochemical incompatibility between the surface of the coating and microorganisms; and biochemical elimination of microorganism by the biocides embedded in the coating.


The technology has been optimized to improve the properties of the fabrics, contributing the repeller differentiation to the insects with a great resistance and durability to the washes and maintaining intact the properties of the fabrics.
It appears as a solution to insecticides or traditional insect repellents (liquid, gel, spray …)

  • Insecticide / repellent
  • Better Resistance
  • More Durability
  • Maintain the properties of the fabrics


The technology could be very interesting in the textile sector, whether for sports fabrics, technical fabrics, insulation fabrics…


  • Textile
  • Tissue
  • insecticidal properties
  • Resistance to washing