Improving the return on R&D investments

  ¿Buscas tecnología puntera que funcione en las condiciones más extremas? ¿Que soporte altas temperaturas, radiación, enfriamiento, magnetismo y mantenga una alta precisión? Únete a este seminario web donde expondremos algunos ejemplos exitosos de integración de innovaciones de fusión en organizaciones de otro ámbito industrial. Tu organización puede beneficiarse de tecnologías de vanguardia y de […]

¿Qué son los Innovation Meets? Son una serie de encuentros anuales o semestrales, establecidos como un foro de referencia en España para debatir buenas prácticas en la gestión de la innovación, la mejora de procesos público-privados de fomento de la cultura innovadora, y la mejora del retorno de la inversión en I+D+i. 8IM | Tecnologías […]

KIM’s RECIPES Entities & companies that look for alternative models to innovate 2-3 min. Innovation, Challenges, Market, Demand. Currently, the push model of innovation is mature in most developed economic systems, but the competitiveness of markets and the globalization of technological supply demand a paradigm shift in the way things are done. This transformation is […]

KIM’s RECIPES Entrepreneurs, SMEs, start-ups, technological centres, research centres, universities 2-3 min. TechTransfer, Open Innovation, Acquisition, Intelectual Property, Industrial Property, Patents. In the age of competition, constant growth is the aim for any company and beating others’ growth is seen as the path for developing market leaders. In order to maintain growth rates during large […]

Francisco Velasco, Director of Strategic Development for KIM and Executive Director of MRI, regularly publishes interesting reflections on our field of activity on his personal page. Below we reproduce one of those articles that you can also read on his website. Since Henry Chesbrough originated the term “Open Innovation” (Chesbrough, 2003), technology transfer has been […]

Knowledge Innovation Market - KIM