Improving the return on R&D investments

KIM’s RECIPES Entities & companies that look for alternative models to innovate 2-3 min. Innovation, Challenges, Market, Demand. Currently, the push model of innovation is mature in most developed economic systems, but the competitiveness of markets and the globalization of technological supply demand a paradigm shift in the way things are done. This transformation is […]

KIM’s RECIPES Empresarios, centros tecnológicos, centros de investigación, universidades 2-3 min. Innovación, Intraemprendimiento, Lean, Recursos Humanos. Después de años implantando programas de intraemprendimiento, queremos compartir algunas lecciones aprendidas sobre el éxito (y el fracaso) de estas iniciativas. Los mejores empleados no tienen por qué ser los mejores intraemprendedores. Un programa de intraemprendimiento no es un […]

KIM’s RECIPES Entrepreneurs, SMEs, start-ups, technological centres, research centres, universities 2-3 min. TechTransfer, Open Innovation, Acquisition, Intelectual Property, Industrial Property, Patents. In the age of competition, constant growth is the aim for any company and beating others’ growth is seen as the path for developing market leaders. In order to maintain growth rates during large […]

KIM’s RECIPES Entrepreneurs, SMEs, start-ups, technological centres, research centres, universities 2 min. Valuation, Intelectual Property, Industrial Property, Patents. What is Technological Forecasting? Technological forecasting is the study of new trends, technologies, or new forces that arise due to policies, social changes, or scientific inventions. Martino (1993) defines it as: “A prediction of the future characteristics […]

KIM’s RECIPES Emprendedores, PYMES, start-ups 1-2 min. Communication, Marketing, Innovation, Financing. It requires no more than 1-2 minutes Immediately engaging your audience with a great hook is invaluable State your mission clearly, being specific without going into extraneus details Now is not the time to explain how your product works on a technical level. You […]