Mejoramos el retorno de la inversión en I + D


The modular transportable stable is a fully conditioned cubic volume for transportation and accommodation of horses. Its capacity varies between 2 and 11 horses.
It incorporates a hydraulic lift system that lets you load the box in the trailer. It incorporates a mechanical system that allows the accommodation of the horses on arrival.


  • Modular & adaptable design: allows different designs and configurations according to the number of horses to be transported or number of stables needed.
  • Improves horses comfort: High thermal and acoustic comfort.
  • Lower production costs reduced by 10% (laboratory) compared to commercial electrodes
  • Energy saving: It respects the principles of sustainable architecture.
  • Cost saving: unifies in one volume horse transport and horse stay.
  • Easy loading: The hydraulic lift system allows you to load the box on the trailer easily.


The transport system is designed for the equine sector. However, minor adaptations could be implemented to adapt the system for any type of animal transportation and accommodation.


  • Equine
  • Horse
  • Transport
  • Box
  • Stable
  • Elevator
  • Accommodation
  • Sustainable