Mejoramos el retorno de la inversión en I + D
iPhD project is aimed to develop an online training program in business competencies for PhDs candidates divided in 5 modules:
  1. Leadership, coordination and project management, especially R & D & I and negotiation projects
  2. International Business Build-up
  3. Valuation and transfer of research results
  4. Entrepreneurship and sources of funding
  5. Protection of research results (industrial and intellectual property).


  1. Complement the training of industrial PhD in areas that are attractive and of interest to develop a professional career in the business world.
  2. Be the first point of contact and meeting of the participants in order that they will be able to share their professional and research experiences, and initiate the creation of the EU PhDs network.

Target group

The direct target group is made of industrial PhDs candidates. The indirect target group is composed of all the ecosystem of the quintuple helix (PhDs candidates, universities implementing PhDs plans, economic an labour sectors, etc)


The consortium will involve 3-4 organisations of 4 different European countries, including:
  1. KIMbcn, a public-private foundation born with the aim of stimulating the knowledge economy in Spain with expertise in online courses (Applicant – Coordinator, coordinate and develops training materials, and provide [x] participants from Spain)

What are we searching for

Universities interested in to test and integrate soft skills and business competencies in their PhD programs in a international collaboration program.

Main project figures

Call:   ERASMUS+ – Partnerships for cooperation in the field of higher education. Deadline: 20 may at 12:00 (midday Brussels time) Funding: 100K – 400K

Are you interested in this project? Contact us