This technology computes the magnetic disturbance associated to solar activity at mid-latitudes, by the LDi geomagnetic index, which is an essential element in risk management of the effects of solar activity to prepare a successful strategy. This index monitors in real time the local geomagnetic disturbance which may affect vulnerable technologies.
- Exclusive index worldwide: to monitor the solar disturbance in local territories.
- High resolution and in real time: It obtains the local geomagnetic disturbance component at mid latitudes in real time and with high resolution (1 minute).
- Easy to implement: The procedure is made available as a software package or implemented in a device.
- Low economic cost and low technical difficulty: For its commercial operation and exploitation.
- Industrial manufacture, material & transport
- Energy & environment
- Information & communication
- Risk prevention
- Insurance
- Ground station system & networks
- Geomagnetic disturbance
- Local geomagnetic index
- Electromagnetic technologies & techniques
- RF systems, payloads & technologies
- Quality, Dependability & safety
- Spacecraft environments & effects
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