Improving the return on R&D investments
Fusion For Energy | Webinars

Within our activity as Fusion For Energy Brokers, the partners of this consortium will carry out a cycle of informative webinars to spread the potential of the technologies derived from the ITER Project and its construction.

The aim is to show organizations in other industrial sectors technologies selected by experts for their potential applicability beyond the energy sector. The extreme conditions and the exhaustiveness of the project controls have generated innovations prepared to withstand the most demanding standards in the industry.

Webinars of this cycle

7 APRIL 2022 | 9:00h CET

F4E Technology Transfer Day

During one day, participants will have the opportunity to discover recent innovations developed for the ITER project during webinars and/or attend prescheduled B2B meetings.

Partner: In Extenso

2 FEBRUARY 2022 | 11:00h CET

Demonstrator Call Winner Announcement and Technology Transfer Award 2022

A webinar to reveal the winner of the Open Call for Fusion Technology Transfer Demonstrator and launch the Technology Transfer Award

Partner: In Extenso

27 APRIL 2021 | 12:00h CEST

Fusion Opportunities in Advanced Manufacturing

Webinar to provide more information on Fusion For Energy (F4E) technologies with potential benefits in a variety of advanced manufacturing areas. Experts from F4E will join the session to present the technologies and answer any questions.

Partner: RTC North

APRIL 4, 2021 | 14:00h CEST

Fusion technology applications in remote handling

Discover the business potential of state-of-the-art nuclear fusion technologies for remote handling applications outside the fusion industry.


MARCH 25, 2021 | 10:00h CET

Fusion technology applications in simulation and modelling

Fusion For Energy and its network of technology brokers are glad to invite you to this free webinar dedicated to the presentation of its Technology Transfer Program in general, and to some technologies in the field of advanced simulation and modelling. In this conference companies and other organisations will have the opportunity to explore synergies between fusion technologies and non-fusion applications. In addition to Fusion For Energy and ITER project ecosystems, the Marketplace, the process and opportunities of the Technology Transfer Activities will be introduced.

Partner: CESAH

17 DECEMBER 2020 | 10:00h CET

Inspection and quality control

Conference online to discover the business potential of developments done in inspection and quality control for nucear fusion, in the Fusion For Energy Technology Transfer Program, showing some examples of technologies of the marketplace.
Fusion For Energy and its network of technology brokers are glad to invite you to this webinar dedicated to the presentation of its Technology Transfer Program and related opportunities in the field of inspection and quality control. In this regard, latest development and most relevant technology packages available for Technology Transfer in this nuclear fusion field will be presented.
In this conference, companies will have the opportunity to explore synergies between fusion technologies and non-fusion applications.
In addition to Fusion For Energy and ITER project ecosystems, the Marketplace, the process and opportunities of the Technology Transfer Activities will be introduced.

Partner: KIM




  • Carmen Casteras – Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer Officer – FUSION FOR ENERGY
  • Vanesa Ramos – F4E Technology Transfer Project Coordinator for Spain – KIM
  • Thomas Siegel – Head of R&D – ASE Optics
  • Fernando Egaña – Tekniker

27 NOVEMBER 2020 | 11:00h CET

Innovative solutions in the field of Radiation Resistant Electronics

A webinar to discover the potential of radiation resistant electronics.

This seminar will present the latest achievements and opportunities in the field of radiation resistant electronics, with the latest advancements in the field of radiation resistant electronics in nuclear fusion and beyond, presenting the most relevant technology packages. available for technology transfer.
Among the innovative solutions presented will include:

  • Lightweight and compact radiation resistant image sensor
  • New integrated circuits to support high-dose ionizing radiation and high-energy particles
  • Low temperature fired ceramics for highly integrated electronic devices

Partner: RINA

21 OCTOBER 2020 | 15:00h CEST

New Business opportunities from fusion

Este primer webinar tiene como objetivo presentar los ecosistemas de proyectos Fusion For Energy e ITER y presentar el Marketplace, el proceso y las oportunidades de las actividades de transferencia de tecnología.

Se buscan participantes, de industrias más allá de la fusión, dispuestos a integrar nuevas tecnologías innovadoras en sus desarrollos y mercados.

Partner: In Extenso Innovation Croissance