Improving the return on R&D investments

PocketQubes are miniaturized satellites that can be used for space research and education. They are ideal for universities and schools that want to conduct experiments in orbit, as they are small, cheap and reliable. PocketQubes can help students learn about coding, robotics, electronics, thermal engineering, structural engineering and radio frequency transmission. They can also inspire students […]

“Satellite Ecosystem Analysis”, a software simulation tool for communication using IoT, wins the European Space Hackathon #EUROAVIAMission 2021 On the occasion of World Space Week, the European Association of Aerospace Engineering Students and the KIMbcn Foundation, with the collaboration of the European Space Agency, have organized this competition. About 70 people have registered for the […]

What is the EUROAVIA Mission? t will be an online 24-hour-hackathon during the weekend of the World Space Week, 8th and 9th October. The teams (from 2 to 5 members) will have to solve a space related challenge with support from professional mentors. Afterwards, all the solutions will be evaluated by a professional jury panel. The week prior to […]

Dirigido a estudiantes, emprendedores, empresas e investigadores de Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y la Unión Europea. Colaboran, entre otros, la Agencia Europea GNSS (GSA) y el Centro Europeo de Servicio GNSS (GSC) Los próximos 28 y 29 de mayo tendrá lugar, en formato online, el primer Hackathon del Centro de Información Galileo (GIC) Chile, […]

TECH TRANSFER TALKS Jesús Aivar es Sales & Marketing Manager de LIDAX, una empresa de base tecnológica espacial, ubicada en Madrid. Sus ingenieros desarrollan equipos ópticos que forman parte de los más avanzados instrumentos científicos que se embarcan en los satélites de la Agencia Espacial Europea, buscando dar respuestas a los grandes interrogantes del Universo, […]

New Space Economy: business opportunities for companies Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona, in collaboration with Knowledge Innovation Market (KIM) Foundation, meets in the same day the New Space’s companies, who are the organizations and institutions that promote and finance these types of projects, and the leading researcher to know current trends and new ways of […]

Where Madrid (Spain) Santiago (Chile) When To be confirmed November 5-7, 2019 Languages Spanish (Programs in English) Price Daily Module:600€*+VAT (SP) Check price for Chile Boost new business opportunities with Earth Observation Data Objetives This practical training provides attendees the tools for the treatment of satellite images to use in several business applications. Target Companies, […]

Todo el universo tecnológico para maximizar resultados en la industria Después de la exitosa experiencia de IN(3D)USTRY en los años anteriores, la Fira de Barcelona amplió el foco para abarcar todas las tecnologías disponibles y convertirla en INDUSTRY: From Needs to Solutions, la nueva plataforma internacional para la fabricación avanzada. Este nuevo salón contó con […]